Thursday, August 16, 2012

How it's going so far....

So, obviously I'm not going to be a very frequent blogger - this is my first update since my original post - so don't worry, you haven't missed anything!  I went back to the doctor today for a follow up on my progress, and saw a dietitian.  It has been approximately 5 weeks since I've changed my lifestyle, and I have officially lost 10 pounds.  I lost most of those very quickly, as I was retaining fluid pretty bad, so It's kind of hard for me to feel real happy about those 10, but I'm just going to accept it, and be proud.  As I said in my original post - I'm trying not to focus on the weight loss, but more on the health aspect.  I can say I have been successful at this. 

As I have aged, I see changes that I'm not so happy about.  It's not really my looks, but more the way I feel. For the most part, I was eating all the wrong things, and you can do that for awhile, and not see the ill effects, you can ignore then subtle signs that things are going wrong,  but then one day... BAM... it catches up to you, and then you can no longer ignore it!  You have to stare it in the face. Look at what your reality has become because of the choices you have made.  In my thinking you have two choices.  Accept that reality, or change it! That is where I found myself this summer!  My vacation with the boys this year, just really opened my eyes. We went to Arlington Texas to do the whole Six Flags/Hurricane harbor thing.  I love roller coasters, and water parks and spending time with my boys. This year though, I really didn't have much fun - I just didn't feel good.  Much of my problem is what I call chronic pain.  I've had it for years, it was just progressively getting worse.  It is pain in my muscles, and joints, and it's no fun! I've also been having problems with retaining fluid.  I have always been sensitive to sodium intake, so I don't really add salt to my prepared food, but as you know- any processed foods we eat these days is loaded with sodium.  Being 100+ pounds overweight doesn't help anything either! So not only am I having to worry about if my butt is going to fit in the roller coaster seat, and if I'm going to exceed the weight limit on the water slides, I am hurting all over, not sleeping well, feeling "puffy" and can't tolerate the extreme heat.  I would've been happy to just have laid in the motel room under the air conditioner all day eating something yummy..  I don't want to feel this way.  So when I got back home, still feeling bad, I started taking an NSAID prescribed to me by a doctor I saw for my chronic muscle pain in my back.  I know I shouldn't take it because I have a history of gastric problems. But it helped me with the pain, so I did.  Well, then my stomach started acting up, feeling like my ulcer had returned, so I made an appointment with Dr. B to figure this out.  I knew I was going down a slippery road to some pretty bad health issues if I did not put on the brakes ASAP.  Sometimes you just need to talk to someone about it.. so I did.  I told him all my aches and pains, etc.... but asked him to let me talk before he says anything.  I then told him about a book I was reading called "The Inflammation Syndrome".  It was like reading my life story.  I then told him my plan to change my diet.  He was very supportive, gave me some goals to strive for, and planned to see me back in a month or so.  That was today.   I had met most of my goals, but still lack in some.  One of those is exercise.... oh how I HATE to exercise.  I know when I do finally get in the exercise mode, I feel better, have more motivation, and it actually curbs my appetite, so that is my new goal for this month.  Get on the exercise bandwagon....yuck, yuck, yuck!!!  Hopefully my attitude will be better by my next post.

So, many may be wondering what dietary changes I have made.  First of off, I decided to return to nature as much as possible.  I am a nurse, and I knew most of what I was eating was not healthy. I understand the dangers of the Standard American Diet.  But one thing you should know...... I AM AN ADDICT....I'M ADDICTED TO FOOD!!   I love how it smells, I love how it looks, I love how it tastes, I love the feeling I get while eating it!  Its really sad.... I need a therapist - I really do, so If anyone knows of a good eating disorder specialist - please feel free to post the info.  Anyhoo... so, I decided the best way to get off the SAD diet was to go cold turkey!  I did a 3 day juice fast to get me jump started.  The first two days was rough - I wanted to eat anything and everything... the cravings were ENORMOUS!!  I managed to hang in there, and by the 3rd day, I was doing pretty good.  I then started adding vegetables (cooked healthy, of course) and then by the end of the week, I ate some chicken.  That first week gave me a good healthy start, and now I just try to avoid processed foods, eat as much organic as I can, don't buy anything that has an ingredient list that I can't pronounce, avoid saturated fats as much as possible,  keep my meat lean - such a fish, shrimp, and chicken.  No fried foods.  I also try to avoid white flour and sugar. I do consume dairy - but buy organic.  It's not always fun, its certainly not easy, but guess what.......90% of my pain is gone, yes, I said GONE!!   As recommended by the book I read, I have started taking a supplement called "Inflammation Balance" Its created by Carlson Labs and has Omega 3's, GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid), plus Vitamin E and D3.  (I ordered it from I really think this supplement, accompanied by my healthy diet is the answer to my problem.  I'm just really excited to realize I don't have to stay on that slippery slope to bad health, feeling worse and worse every year until I no longer can go on vacation with my boys.  I've done a U turn, and I feel myself getting better and better!  Can I say that I will succeed and stay on this healthy lifestyle from now on? No.... unfortunately I've been there done that before, and my "addict" behavior took back over.  But I will say, I will try every day to keep on doing what I'm doing.  I will pray for strength and self control not to give in to my addiction.  I will come back and read these posts to see my thought process, and my feelings, and use it to help motivate me to stay on the right path!   Like my friend Clan says.... just take it one day at a time! 
As soon as I figure it out, I will post pictures of some of the healthy things I have found in the grocery store, and hopefully post a few recipes.  I'm  always open to a new HEALTHY recipe! So please share!!  Thanks for taking the time to read!!  Have a wonderful day!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Me, Myself, and I

Hi, So this is my very first attempt at blogging.  I don't regularly read blogs, so this may be the worst blog ever.  Why, then, am I starting a blog? I think I should answer this by introducing myself.  I am a 42 year old woman, married, 3 kids, job, mortgage, dog, get my drift.  You may also wonder about my title - bumpy ride to the other side - well that is why I am here.  I have struggled most of my life with my weight.  I tend to yo-yo diet, and always end up worse than I started.  Now that I am 42, and have been 100+ pounds overweight for most of 20 years, my health has started to suffer.  I have numerous aches and pains, and seem to add a new complaint monthly.  So on July 9, 2012. I made a decision to start this weight loss journey again - only this time - the weight loss is not my focus....I am now focusing on my health! I want to eat healthy, and hopefully weight loss will be a side effect of my efforts.  Now don't get me wrong...I really, REALLY, want to lose weight.  But I had to take a look at my situation, and my past successes and failures.  I always start off strong, doing everything right, exercising, eating healthy, and counting calories, and for some reason - which I myself do not know - I lose steam.  I have lost as much as 50 lbs by exercising and eating right, and something just snapped... I fell off the wagon, slowly at first - had some pizza - no big deal.... then it gets out of control.  I see it's like I am separate from my body - my body takes over.  It eats whatever makes it happy... It's tired of "doing without".  I see myself stop exercising, eating unhealthy, and gaining weight... yes I'm aware its happening, but I am helpless to stop!  It terrifies me.  I hate myself for it.  It's depressing! But even worse - I don't know how to stop it from happening again..... this time.... now......
My hope is, that having this blog will give me some accountability and support.  If no one reads it but me - maybe it will keep me focused.  I don't have to be perfect.  I can fall off the wagon one day, all that's important is that I get back on again.  I want to be the healthy mom, that still feels like doing activities with her children and someday grandchildren.  I think this new healthy lifestyle is my only hope!  So here I am a few weeks into my new bumpy ride.... So far so good.  I have made good food choices.  I did venture off my new healthy lifestyle yesterday, and had  a "cheat day".  It was planned, so I felt in control.  I could tell a difference in one day, in the way I felt.  My old joint pains are "flaring" again...just after one day.  I'm back to eating healthy today, and hopefully I will learn from this, and see - what I eat, and put in my body, DOES make a difference!!!! 
I love to photograph food, and hope to learn how to use this blog to share pictures of yummy HEALTHY food and recipes.  If you have read this - Thank you! I appreciate your thoughts and comments!!